Over the last dozen years or so, I’ve written and co-written several books for Christian audiences that all, in one way or another, explore the ways our cultural assumptions shape how we perceive and navigate the world. The most popular of these books was Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible (IVP, 2012), co-authored with Randy Richards.

Here on this platform, I continue the work Randy and I started there. I try to glean insights from a range of academic disciplines—sociology, anthropology, history, psychology, and more—to help me better understand the ways my unconscious cultural biases shape the way I read the Bible, live out my faith, and engage the world around me.

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Subscribe to Misreading Scripture (Less and Less)

Exploring the unconscious biases that shape our faith


Brandon is the author of several books about Christianity and enculturation.